Craig (1950)
To a childhood friend of mine

You came to live in our ravaged place
few past since the scourge
among thick chirps of summery cicadas
shadows of rare flights
passed and faded between clouds and sky.
Screaming off our gorges
innocent screams in the still breath of air
lighting fantastic lights
by children minds,
imaginary injuns roaming the prairie,mere
our domestic gardens.
Sometimes begrudged of your baseball glove
holding with plucky plops
when dad's throwing the sphere...
One day you left, and the indifferent time
wiped off every love of childhood play fellow.
Ruffling of many seasons puffed our hairs
fading memory of faces
locking up in the bottom of mind
buried reminiscences.
Blind climbing and steep rush on the stairs
of life dampened each image
hurrying to the course,to find
our end in the sky of destiny.
Evening stopped your steps by a bullet
on banks fragrant of mildew.
Calling me at your side from the deep
through the dumb rain
could'nt rush at your help
but to pray and regret
for you,unforgettable friend.
Please,if you can, stay near to my sleep.

Lino Bertuzzi
Copyright ©2005 Lino Prospero Bertuzzi